Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Typing Errors

A daughter sent a telegram to her father on passing her B.Ed exams,
Which the father received as "Father, your daughter has been successful in BED."


A husband, while on a business trip to a hill station sent a telegram to his wife
"I wish you were here."
The message received by the wife was "I wish you were her.."


A man wanted to celebrate his wife's Birthday by throwing a party.
So he ordered a birthday cake. The salesman asked him what message he wanted put on the cake.
He thought for a moment and said, put "Getting older but you are getting better".
The salesman asked "How do you want me to put it?"
The man said 'Well...put "You are getting older" at the top and "But you are getting better" at the bottom.'

When the cake was unveiled at the party all the guests were aghast at the message on the cake.
It reads "You are getting older at the top, but you are getting better at the bottom"

Moral of the Story:

1. Double proof read everything before you send.

2. Don't trust others to write it right for you.

3. Don't order cakes by telephone.

Source : email from syarizal (perak)

IZZI ADVERTIZING---------------------------------

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ayam & Kambing

Pada suatu hari,ayam telah menghiaskan dirinya dengan menyangkut manik-manik yang berkilauan pada setiap helaian bulunya. Tajinya diasah sehingga berkilauan dan berjalanlah ia menuju ke kediaman kambing.

Tiba di kediaman kambing, ayam pun menyapa sahabatnya itu.

Ayam : Kambing, pekabo?

Kambing : Baik. Wah,ayam. Bukan main lagi kau. Kau nak ke mana
hensem-hensem ni.

Ayam : Takde ke mana. Sesajalah nak tengok riaksi engko.

Kambing : Tapi kan ayam, macam mana pun ko berhias, ko jalan tetap kaki ayam, kan?

Ayam : Ko kutuk aku ye. Ko pun apa kurangnya.....

Kambing : Apsal pulak?

Ayam : Nampak macam alim. Bela janggut. Tapi TELUR nampak...

Sumber : Email daripada tok cindai (telok gong)

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